Monday, June 13, 2011

Summer Reading

Don't lose your skills!  Raz Kids will be available all summer to use.

1. Go to
2. fill in the login name tcsgrade1
3. Click on your name.

Friday, May 13, 2011


We are missing a Burlington Public Library book from our class.  It is called Rufus Does Not Wear a Tutu.  It's a orange chapter book.  Let me know if you have seen it at home.

Monday, May 9, 2011

A Sound Expedition

Today we went for a sound expedition to find out what we could hear around the school.  We heard:

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Making Words

I sent home some letters to make words with.  These are the words that Mr. Lee found.  
a e l n p s t

  1. an
  2. at
  3. sat
  4. pat
  5. pet
  6. set
  7. net
  8. tan
  9. pan
  10. plan
  11. teal
  12. seal
  13. pets
  14. pest
  15. slat
  16. slate
  17. plate
  18. planet
  19. planets
What words did you find?

Thursday, April 28, 2011

A Cool Website

Someone told me about a cool website for practicing Math Facts and other things!

Try it yourself!

Monday, April 18, 2011

Everything I know about repair work I learned from Red Green

For months now I've been wondering how to fix these delicate boxes, or find some replacements in a store -- any store.  No luck.  Today I had my Red Green moment.

What we learned about Samuel, Saul, and David

Today in class I wrote down what we learned during this Bible unit. Of course, the kids had things to say even after the end of the period. If you learned something else about these stories, tell me in the comments.

Things we learned:

  • Samuel anointed Saul and David to be kings.
  • David killed Goliath and chopped off his head.
  • God is better than power, knowledge, experience, and weapons.
  • Saul was jealous of David.
  • Saul threw spears at David to kill him.
  • David ran away from Saul because he wanted to kill David.
  • David cut off some of Saul’s robe.
  • Saul and Jonathan died in battle.
  • David became king.
  • David had a war with Saul’s son before he was king of all Israel.
  • God said David’s kingdom would never end.
  • Absalom hated Amnon.
  • Absalom killed his brother Amnon.
  • David didn’t forgive Absalom.
  • Joab killed Absalom while his hair was caught in a tree.
  • David was a shepherd, then an army commander and a king.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Making Words with FLOWERS

Today we made words with the letters from the word "flowers". For example we used the 's' and 'o' to make the word "so".

If you know any other words to make using the letters from "flowers", leave them in the comments.

The sounds that we were practicing were "ow" and "ew". Practice with this video!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Skip Counting

We learned how to skip count by threes!  You have to hear it to believe it!

Friday, February 4, 2011

In a Dark, Dark Wood

In a dark, dark wood
there was a dark, dark house.
And in that dark, dark house
there was a dark, dark room.
And in that dark, dark room
there was a dark, dark cupboard.
And in that dark, dark cupboard
there was a dark, dark shelf.
And on that dark, dark shelf
there was a dark, dark box.
And in that dark, dark box there was...

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

What Happened at Fran's Prom?

The story Fran and the Prom Dress ended without saying what the prom was like.  As a class we wrote the ending to the story.  (Word Wall words are written in blue.)

When Fran gets to the prom she will eat some nice food.  She saw Brad wearing a crown.  She knew that he was the prince.  Suddenly it was ten after tenHer stuff turned back to normal.  She went home alone.